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DPL + RISA: Delivering Better Outcomes For Clients and Firms


Watch the on-demand webinar

DPL has long believed that advisors need a tool to help them understand clients’ retirement concerns and, specifically, their risk tolerance for income (as opposed to their tolerance for investment risk during accumulation).

Now, retirement researchers Wade Pfau and Alex Murguia have created that tool—the Retirement Income Style Awareness (“RISA”). The RISA provides a framework for identifying an individual’s retirement income style, enabling advisors to build income strategies that align with clients’ unique preferences and needs.

We are delighted that you are joining us for the initial rollout of the RISA as a value-added tool, available at no cost, for DPL Members. In this DPL+RISA kick-off webinar, Wade Pfau, Alex Murguia and DPL’s Tim Rembowski will take you through:

  • RISA’s research-backed, customizable framework for identifying individual retirement income personalities 
  • How building retirement strategies around personal preferences helps clients stick with their plan
  • How to access RISA through your DPL dashboard 
  • How RISA and DPL will support you as you use this tool with clients 

DPL + RISA: Delivering Better Outcomes For Clients and Firms