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Advisor Revelations: How DPL Commission-Free Annuities can Help with Inflation Risk

June 28, 2022

Inflation is on everyone’s mind right now. It’s what clients are worried about and what advisors are struggling to plan for. Plus, as life expectancy increases, advisors are developing longer retirement plans more heavily impacted by inflation. Luckily, for most every problem, there’s a possible annuity solution. 

While many retirees and financial advisors still have the misconception that annuity income is flat, there’s a dynamic new breed of annuities with built-in adjustments designed to combat inevitable inflation. DPL Consultant Kameron McRay works with advisors to model such annuities and help relieve them of those inflationary anxieties. 

In this episode, DPL’s Tim Rembowski talks with Kameron about offsetting inflation with Commission-Free, low-cost annuities, the hidden benefit behind annuity options, how Kameron introduces annuities to advisors, and why incorporating any type of guaranteed income can help provide peace of mind to retirees when taking on additional equity exposure.

Key Takeaways
[02:21] - How clients can offset inflation. 
[04:47] - How advisors react to annuities with increasing income options. 
[06:04] - How Kameron walks advisors through different annuity models.
[08:48] - What options clients and advisors have for more guaranteed outcomes. 
[11:11] - Why incorporating any type of guaranteed income helps clients take on additional equity exposure. 
[15:49] - What annuities improve that most advisors don’t anticipate. 
[17:06] - A recap of today’s conversation. 



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