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CD Replacement 

Fixed annuities offer a higher-yielding fixed income alternative to CDs in the portfolio.

Pie chart


Unlike a CD, fixed annuity interest accumulates tax-deferred, helping maximize growth over time.

Dollar and shield

Protected Growth

Like a CD, fixed annuities grow assets with protection from market volatility.


What is an annuity? 

An annuity is an insurance product designed to provide guaranteed lifetime income. Just as you insure your life, home and vehicle, annuities insure against the risk of outliving your retirement savings. Certain annuities can also be used to protect assets against market volatility or grow wealth prior to retirement. 

Chart comparing MYGAs and CDs

How does a MYGA work? 

Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs) are a type of fixed annuity used to grow and protect assets. These simple, CD-like products have been very popular in the last several years because they offer often higher rates of return than CDs and a range of terms from 2 to 10 years.

What is the difference between commission & commission-free? 

Commissioned annuities have high costs and greater fees, which reduce their value. The annuities available through DPL are commission-free, which lowers the product costs and improves the benefits. Our fixed annuities pay higher rates than products with commissions, providing you with a better return. 

Talk to a DPL Consultant to get immediate access to these tools to help your decision-making.


iPad comparing MYGAs

Shop Fixed Annuities

Our Shop Fixed Annuities tool lets you compare the MYGA rates and durations available on the DPL platform.

FIC Mockup

Compare Fixed Income

See how the income generated by commission-free annuities compares to the income generated by an investment strategy without an annuity.

GIA Mockup

Find Guaranteed Income

Our Guaranteed Income Analysis tool lets you identify low-cost annuities that can help meet your retirement income need.

Have questions?

Talk to an consultant to learn how to get started with DPL.

*Rates are current as of June 11, 2024, and are subject to change at any time. Please confirm the most current rate with your DPL Consultant by calling 1-888-327-0049. As a consumer and/or advisor, you are responsible for understanding the rate when your contract is issued. DPL is not responsible for any variance related to an unexpected rate change by the Insurance Carrier.

Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. An investor should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the investment before investing or sending money.

Not a deposit | Not FDIC or NCUSIF insured | Not guaranteed by the institution | Not insured by any federal government agency | May lose value